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apa lagi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "apa lagi"
  • apa:    what; what was; whatever; what’ll; eh; which;
  • lagi:    again; anew; anymore; else; more; yet; another;
  • apa perlunya lagi:    what further need
  • lagi:    again; anew; anymore; else; more; yet; another; any more; in the act (of); in return; furthermore; ayein; as well; any longer; any; agyen; other; still; repeatedly; further; what is more; ayen; more
  • . apa:    what does
  • apa:    what; what was; whatever; what’ll; eh; which; or; that
  • lagi-lagi:    time and again; more and more; again and again; over and over; increasingly; progressively; over and over again; time and time again
  • apa apa:    whatever; anything
  • apa-apa:    any; anything; whatever
  • lagi dan lagi:    by and by; so and so
  • bukan apa-apa:    small potatoes
  • tak menemukan apa-apa:    could find none
  • tanpa berbuat apa-apa -:    twiddle fingers; twirl thumbs
  • tanpa berkata apa-apa:    go without saying; going without saying; gone without saying
  • tiada apa-apa:    just nothing
  • How else can we create new ideas?
    Dengan cara apa lagi kita dapat menghasilkan ide-ide baru?
  • Our grades were going to be based on that!
    Apa lagi yang akan kau lakukan sekarang?
  • Now what have you thrown good money away on?
    Sekarang Uangmu Kau hamburkan untuk apa lagi?
  • What else inspired you to fight for us?
    Apa lagi yang menginspirasi Anda berjuang untuk kita?
  • What more is there than the universe, Spock?
    Apa lagi yang ada selain alam semesta, Spock?
  • But what's left on earth that I haven't tried?
    Tapi hal apa lagi yang belum kucoba?
  • I really didn't do anything like that.
    saya tidak melakukan apa-apa apa lagi hal seperti itu.
  • What else do you know about that book?
    Apa lagi yang Anda tahu tentang buku itu?
  • Well, that's about all there is to it then.
    Yah, apa lagi yang bisa kita lakukan.
  • She stole your keys and God knows what else.
    Dia mencuri kuncimu dan entah apa lagi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5